Nunua Sasa has android app endpoints organized around
Basic Authentication
Authentication and authorization to the API
is performed via HTTP
OAuth 2.0.
Access Tokens are provided after logging in and are used to gain the authorization needed to access all protected endpoints. Once logged out the token can no longer be used.
requests must be made over HTTPS
. Calls made over plain HTTP
will fail.
API requests without authentication will also fail.
User Auth
This section details the process of registration. There are multiple endpoints created for each of the steps that are required to complete the registration of a user on the Nunua Sasa app
Send OTP
A POST request responsible for sending a One Time Password (OTP) to verify the mobile phone number
Endpoint URL: /api/v1.1/otp/send
A request
is sent that contains the patameters listed below:
Parameter | Type | Position | # | Description |
phone | string |
Body | Required | Phone Number of the customer |
Success Response
{ "status": success, "message": "OTP sent!" }
Verify OTP
A POST request responsible for Verifying the OTP sent
Endpoint URL: /api/v1.1/otp/verify
A request
is sent that contains the patameters listed below:
Parameter | Type | Position | # | Description |
phone | string |
Body | Required | Phone Number of the customer |
otp | int |
Body | Required | OTP sent to the customer |
Success Response
{ "status": success, "message": "OTP Verified!" }
Upload Photos
A POST request responsible for collecting customer bio data and picture
Endpoint URL: /api/v1.1/upload
A request
is sent that contains the patameters listed below:
Parameter | Type | Position | # | Description |
phone | string |
Body | Required | Phone Number of the customer |
photo | image |
Body | Required | Profile photo of the customer |
id_front | image |
Body | Required | Front side of the customer's ID |
id_back | image |
Body | Required | Back side of the customer's ID |
Success Response
{ "status": "success", "message": "Required details successfully obtained", "data": { "customer" : { "name": "John Doe", "id_number": "11122234", "dob": { "date": "1900-01-01 14:23:32.000000", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "Africa/Nairobi" }, "photo": "path_to_image", "id_front": "path_to_image", "id_back": "path_to_image", "user_id": 26, "updated_at": "2021-11-17T11:23:32.000000Z", "created_at": "2021-11-17T11:23:32.000000Z", "id": 1 } } }
Create Account
A POST request responsible for creating a thew new user account tied to all the customer data collected
Endpoint URL: /api/v1.1/create
A request
is sent that contains the patameters listed below:
Parameter | Type | Position | # | Description |
string , email |
Body | Required | Email of the customer | |
name | string |
Body | Required | Name of the customer |
id_number | int |
Body | Required | ID number of the customer |
dob | date |
Body | Required | Date of birth of the customer |
Success Response
{ "status": "success", "message": "User registered successfully", "data": { "user": { "id": 26, "email": "", "phone": "0712333444", "phone_verified_at": "2021-11-17 14:18:14", "password_updated_at": null, "created_at": "2021-11-17T11:17:14.000000Z", "updated_at": "2021-11-17T11:40:48.000000Z", "customer": { "id": 5, "name": "John Doe", "id_number": "11122234", "dob": "1900-01-01", "photo": "path_to_file", "id_front": "path_to_file", "id_back": "path_to_file", "score": null, "verified": 0, "verified_by": null, "installment_payment": 1, "savings_account": 0, "user_id": 26, "created_at": "2021-11-17T11:23:32.000000Z", "updated_at": "2021-11-17T11:40:48.000000Z" } } } }
Log In
A POST request responsible for customer log in
Endpoint URL: /api/v1.1/login
A request
is sent that contains the patameters listed below:
Parameter | Type | Position | # | Description |
string , email |
Body | Required | Email of the customer | |
password | string |
Body | Required | Password of the customer |
Success Response
{ "access_token": "access_token_goes_here", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_at": "2021-11-23 16:41:03" }
Log Out
A POST request responsible for logging the customer out
Endpoint URL: /api/v1.1/logout
A request
is sent to action the logout process
Success Response
{ 'status' : 'success', 'message' : 'Successfully logged out' }
User Details
A GET Request responsible for getting the currently logged in user
Endpoint URL: /api/v1.1/user
A request
is sent to obtain the user information
Success Response
{ "status": "success", "message": "User details retrieved.", "data": { "user": { "id": 21, "email": "", "phone": "0712333444", "phone_verified_at": "2021-10-06 18:41:27", "password_updated_at": "2021-10-06T15:46:59.000000Z", "created_at": "2021-10-06T15:41:27.000000Z", "updated_at": "2021-10-06T15:46:59.000000Z", "customer": { "id": 4, "name": "Test Customer", "id_number": 7112332, "dob": "1900-01-01", "photo": "path_to_image", "id_front": "path_to_image", "id_back": "path_to_image", "score": 988, "verified": 1, "verified_by": 1, "installment_payment": 1, "savings_account": 1, "user_id": 21, "created_at": "2021-10-06T15:46:59.000000Z", "updated_at": "2021-11-04T12:00:05.000000Z" } } } }
Fetch Statement
Request responsible for Fetching MPESA Statement
Endpoint URL: /statement/download
A Fetch request
is sent with the following paramters
Parameter | Type | Position | # | Description |
phone | int |
Body | Required | Phone Number of the customer |
customer | string |
Body | Required | Customer ID requesting to fetch statement |
Success Response
{ 'status' : 'success', 'message' : ->message, 'data' : [ 'statement' : ->statement ] }
View Products
A POST request responsible for fetching a user's products
Endpoint URL: /api/v1.1/products
A request
is sent to obtain the products under the currently logged in user
Success Response
{ "status": "success", "message": "User details retrieved.", "data": { "products": [ { "id": 15, "code": "ettertwy", "name": "Table1", "amount": 200000, "amount_paid": 100000, "next_payment_type": "installment", "next_payment": 50000, "next_payment_date": "2022-01-14T21:00:00.000000Z", "date_completed": null, "success_url": "", "cancel_url": "", "extra": [], "customer_id": 4, "company_id": 1, "client_id": 1, "created_at": "2021-11-16T11:18:14.000000Z", "updated_at": "2021-11-16T11:23:50.000000Z" }, { "id": 16, "code": "erwer234rewr", "name": "Seat", "amount": 10000, "amount_paid": 0, "next_payment_type": "deposit", "next_payment": 5000, "next_payment_date": null, "date_completed": null, "success_url": "", "cancel_url": "", "extra": [], "customer_id": 4, "company_id": 1, "client_id": 1, "created_at": "2021-11-16T11:23:07.000000Z", "updated_at": "2021-11-16T11:23:07.000000Z" } ] } }
Status Codes
Nunua API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.
In general: Codes in the 2xx
range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx
range indicate an error that failed given
the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, a charge failed, etc.)
Codes in the 5xx
range indicate an error with Nunua's servers (these are rare).
Code | Meaning | Description |
200 | Ok | Everything worked as expected |
400 | Bad Request | The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter. |
401 | Unauthorized | No valid API key provided. |
402 | Request Failed | The parameters were valid but the request failed. |
403 | Forbidden | The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request. |
404 | Not Found | The requested resource doesn't exist. |
409 | Conflict | The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key). |
429 | Too Many Requests | Too many requests hit the API too quickly. We recommend an exponential backoff of your requests. |
500, 502, 503, 504 | Server Errors | Something went wrong on Nunua's end. |